How to do online marketing for a lawn care business in PA

Journey Needham
Jan 8th, 2024
How to online market lawncare company banner image

The first success story

One of my first few clients, Ed owned (and continues to own) a lawncare company in Harrisburg, PA. He was familiar with the industry, but had a stagnant client base.

This is problem is actually extremely common, even (and especially!) for companies with generally satisfied customers. We'll get into why and how of how to improve a slow growing customer base in just a moment.

If you're in the same boat as Ed was, or trying to get your lawn care company off the ground — you're in the right place.

Lawncare Business Owner

Paid Digital Marketing (PPC) for Initial Growth is Essential!

For new lawn care companies in PA, venturing into the digital world is non-negotiable. Starting with paid digital marketing is your best bet to get those first few crucial customers.

Some of the best platforms to for new businesses to start their first running paid marketing ads are Facebook and Google Search, as these platforms are where your potential customers are most receptive to service based ads.

PS. If this sounds overwhelming or you don't want to waste money and time making ads that don't work. I offer digital marketing services for landscaping & lawncare companies specifically

Learn more or set up a free consultation here!

Adding Organic Strategies for Sustainable (and Free!) Growth

Once you’ve got the ball rolling, it's time to blend your paid marketing efforts with organic channels.

Organic channels are things like these:

Organic channels can build customer trust and create discussion, but most importantly they lead to free growth/customers!

Speaking with Marketing Customer

Referral Programs — Exponential Growth!

Word-of-mouth is key to continued organic growth, especially in a community-focused business like lawn care.

The key to word of mouth is incentivising it. It's as simple as leaving a business card or sending emails reminding them to leave a review or tell their friends

And Finally A Classic, Direct Mail

While online marketing is essential, don’t forget the traditional methods. They seriously still work (especially for local service based businesses like lawncare).

Flyers and posters in local businesses, community centers, and apartment complexes can significantly boost your visibility. But one of the biggest boons to my clients has been the USPS Every Door Direct Mail service (EDDM).

EDDM is a super affordable way to send out promotional materials to every household in a specific area, ensuring your mail is targeted to your perfect localities.

That's it! If any of that sounded useful but overwhelming (don't worry, it genuinely can be) I can help. I specifically offer web and marketing services to lawncare & landscaping businesses in Pennsylvania

If you wanna learn more, or just get some pointers for your company: check me out here!

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